Unconventional, Holistic Movement

Dopamine Wellness offers unconventional, holistic movement and fitness practices so that people can grow within their body, mind and spirit.

Explore Ways to Move

Holistic Personal Training

​For the whole person: Build bone density and a capable body, strengthen your mindset, improve emotional and mental health, and increase resiliency.


Animal Flow® is a system that bridges the gap between all other physical practices, in pursuit of previously unknown levels of physical proficiency.


Private yoga is an excellent option for those new to yoga, for those with injuries or anyone wanting to treat themselves to an hour of pure bliss.

Events &

We offer a range of experiences and retreats that can be customized for your group – oh and we’re available for travel, too!


We come to your workplace to make it easy to incorporate wellness experiences for your team. We offer a wide variety of movement and meditation practices that can be customized to your unique needs. A healthy, balanced lifestyle not only enhances peoples’ physical well-being, it also contributes to increased productivity, stress reduction and overall job satisfaction. 

Schedule Online!

Booking a session online is a breeze! Easily schedule sessions that fit your busy lifestyle and allow you to prioritize your health. Say goodbye to stress and hello to convenience as you embark on your path to strength, balance and inner peace with Dopamine Wellness.

View our Upcoming Events & Experiences

Jenn & Amin

Our shared passion for movement and a shared vision that unfolded in the beginning of our partnership is what made us decide to pursue Dopamine Wellness as a business. Our journey is fueled by the synchronicity of our connection and a shared commitment to bringing movement, wellness and community to the forefront of everything we do at Dopamine Wellness.

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